Meet Lucy Ratcliffe
Manager – Editing and Translating
At the heart of Lucy’s role is working with clients to understand their needs and tailor services to meet their requirements, whether this is for a framework contract or for a single job. This might mean putting together a team to work on a flagship project involving a combination of editing, translating and proofreading. Or it could involve guiding a client through a brief and timeframes so that a series of reports are ready for publication.
With a background in managing projects on innovation, Lucy has worked with cities and local authorities to help them tackle their social and urban challenges. She brings this drive and enthusiasm to ICE, to help our clients to deliver on their missions.
A former travel writer, Lucy is always on the look-out for special places and hidden gems. When she takes her PM hat off, she is often to be found walking the Catalan coast path or indulging in her post-lockdown habit of paddle surfing.